Media Industry-Digital Profiles

Digital profile

what is a digital profile?
A digital profile is a collection of information about a person shared on public web pages or social media pages that may have been posted personally or by others. One of the best ways to create a good professional digital profile is through social media. 

It is important to maintain a positive digital profile as others research on the Internet to find out about a professional prior to meeting him or her.
 As the online presence continues to grow, it will become difficult for companies to neglect someone's digital profile without negative consequences.

Analysing a digital profile

Detail of past jobs and Education-Such as what the job role entailed, who the company was, how long the person stayed there and What degrees/ qualifications they gained from education 

From Viewing Fiona's profile, it would be clear as an employer/company that she is a good candidate for a media job. Fiona has displayed all the correct things on her profile, from past experiences and education to skills and interests.
However, she doesn't give any contact information other than her LinkedIn page which could be a problem to others who may one to work with her as she might not be as active on her LinkedIn.
I feel like she could also go into more detail on her experiences and what skills she gained in the industry.


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